
APTI-shikshaX Collaboration

shikshaX is happy to announce the first collaborative project for faculty development, in collaboration with the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), one of the largest professional organisations of teachers in health professions’ domain.

Foundation Course in Educational Methodology – Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCEM – Pharma)

This unique partnership envisages a series of micro-learning programs that strengthen the professional identity and capacity of pharmacy teachers, by empowering them to adapt the fundamentals of educational methodology for the generic and specific aspects of curriculum management at all levels of pharmacy education.

We had an introductory program – Foundation Course in Educational Methodology – Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCEM – Pharma), for the first batch of registered learners conducted between 16 th   to 30 th July 2023. This had a overwhelming response and over 270 + participants have successfully completed the course and obtained certificate.

Registrations are stopped for Batch 2 of FCEM – (Pharma) as the Course is Scheduled to start from 04-10-2023. Participants can take the course at the time and place of their choice, and on the device of their convenience during the window period of 15 days that is scheduled for them.

This course introduces the concept of pedagogy as applied to pharmacy education, and expands to explain the fundamental principles of educational methodology. The broad outline of course includes five modules, each of which deals with introduction to educational methodology, learning outcomes, instructional methods, instructional media, and student assessment.

The course starts with introductory video, and a pre-test. Further on, each of the module is designed as follows:

  • General objectives of the module,
  • Distribution of module under different sessions.
  • Objectives of each session,
  • Video-based short presentations for each session,
  • Slides for each session,
  • Transcript of the video lecture of each session,
  • Additional reading references for the module,
  • End-of-the-module quiz.

By the end of the course, there is a post-test, and end-of-the-course survey. Upon its successful completion, the participants can download their Certificate.

Beyond this program, it is planned to provide training and handholding for the teachers of pharmacy in collaboration with APTI to develop relevant and specific micro-learning modules for the students of pharmacy. The details of this aspect of micro-modules is under consideration by the APTI, and the framework will be announced soon.

Course Faculty: 
Munir Ahmed R 

MD (Hom), MBA (Edn. Mgt), Dip TESOL (Aus), PG Dip Med Edn (Uni South Wales, UK).

Domain Expert: L & D in Health Professionals’ Education.